San Luis Obispo Museum Tandem Solo 2014

synergy circular embrace

Sea and Birds.

 installation processes with Reclining Dude from creation to installation processes the exhibition of Menthe Wells work in SYNERGY has a synaesthetic basis.

The San Luis Obispo Museum of Art (SLOMA) is a distinctive museum exhibiting the works of sculpture and painting from May 16 to June 29th 2014.

 2851circular embrace construction of circular embrace - plan construction planning OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Reclining Dude. Welded steel construction – every artist makes a reclining figure such as a reclining nude…. this is the concept based upon California culture.  


Strength     Bird Inspirations Red Figural moving work  Sea I Sea I and II Spring Marquis Strength and Tool

SYNERGY  The exhibition:  May 16-June 29.

The Gray Gallery of the Museum.

Tandem Solo Exhibition of Menthe Wells paintings and sculpture.